How to Obtain a Metal Building Permit?

Before starting a Metal Building project, you must first obtain a building permit from either the city or county that you live in. The process of getting a project approved takes a bit of time and energy. The first hurdle is to make sure your building meets the designated zoning guidelines required. Every county and city have what they call a planning department or community development agency. This agency reviews proposed building project for compliance to the general plan of the jurisdiction. The general plan is a map of the city or county of where you live and sets compatible uses and standards for its citizens. Each planning department has different standards that you will meet which include setbacks, heights, and floor area ratios each project must meeting including parking standards. Once you receive planning approval then you can submit your engineered plans for building permits. The department that reviews engineered plans is the building department. These plans will normally include calculations with your building designs to comply with federal, state, and local building codes. A normal set of plans will include the following items: Title Sheet, Floor Plans, Elevations, Roof Plan, Metal Building Plans and Calculations, Foundation Plans and Calc’s, Civil Drawings, Mechanical Drawings, Electrical Drawings, Plumbing Drawings, and Landscape Plans. Usually, fire sprinklers if required can be submitted as a separate application. Metal Building Sales offers a turn-key solution to clients that want professional assistance in the planning and building permits process.
Michael Achkar